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Deep Meditation 3 x $33 Pay$33

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  • Deep Meditation 3 x $33 Pay$33
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  • $33

All prices in USD

Here is what you will recieve:

Daily Guidance Videos from Tom Cronin, Producer of The Portal and global meditation expert to help you begin your meditation journey

Your stillness vibration that will help you to find the stillness in any situation – all you need to do is return to it in times of stress.

Access to all your content through our members section of the site

LIFEtime Access to all 21 videos that are accessible across phone, tablet and computer

LIFEtime Access to a companion guide that is to complement your meditation sessions.

LIFEtime Access to 35 additional support videos to help you deepen your practice. We continue to add to this library all the time.

Access to LIVE weekly group meditations with our global meditation community and support from Tom Cronin on Zoom

A meditation technique for life that will help you feel more calm, grounded and at peace as you go about your day to day life.

"I just finished Step 3 . I'm IN LOVE! I've tried meditation several times and gave up on it EVERY time. Each day I CAN'T wait for my next meditation. THANK YOU for taking the mystery out of meditation.”

Leslie E. B
"I am halfway through the programme. I love every single bit of it. I can´t be grateful enough."

"I just want to mention that this program most definitely changed (& still is changing!) my life, so thank you"

Lisa Rudham
"I’m on day 12 of 21 days of Deep Meditation...and love it!"

Jeff Paymer
"I loved your meditation course so much! Eternally grateful to you for your easy to follow and very inspiring teaching program!”

